Inner Seasons 101


Hi there, Sis! Let’s chat.

Do you know that your cyclical nature is a gift? Do you know that the changes your present each & every month are a superpower…not a curse?

For too long, our society has told us that our cyclical nature is not correct. We have been told to hide our bleed, we have been discounted for our “PMS moodiness”, & we have been told that our changeability is not correct & we should always present the same way to the world. We have also been told that we should have the same amount of energy each & every day, told to keep up, hurry up, & to do more.

Dear One…I am here to remind you, once more, that society has mistreated our cycle. Our wisdom & our superpowers have been hidden for far too long. We have become disconnected to our innate gifts. And now an awakening is happening. Women are coming back & reconnecting to their cycles, to the moon, & to their seasonal archetypes. A shift is taking place & I am honored to be here for it.

The best way to dive into this reconnecting work is by understanding the analogy of Inner Seasons. What are Inner Seasons? I will tell you!

Inner Seasons is a way to view our cycles by utilizing the imagery of Mother Earth’s four seasons & comparing them to the changes we experience week-to-week within our feminine cycle. Predominately, this phrase is used within the context of the menstrual cycle, but is also available to anyone that does not bleed by connecting to the changes we also experience week-to-week within the lunar cycle. So, whether you bleed or not, we all experience the same Inner Seasons & have access to the same archetypes, strengths, & shadows.

Here is a quick break-down:

Inner Winter: Days 1-5 (Menstruation or New Moon Phase); Crone Archetype

Inner Winter is a time to be still, quiet, & reflective. Just as Mother Nature is quiet & calm during the Winter months, we also turn inward during this week & long for time of rest. The slowing down is natural & is correct. This is a sacred time meant for letting go & receiving spiritual insight.

Inner Spring: Days 6-12 (Pre-Ovulary / Follicular Phase or Waxing Moon Phase); Maiden Archetype

Inner Spring is a time to be joyful, playful, & optimisitic! Mother Nature presents new buds of life in Springtime, & we also feel new bursts of life & ideas during this week of Inner Spring. This is the perfect time to let ourselves dream, to explore new ideas, & to begin connecting with the outer world again.

Inner Summer: Days 13-20 (Ovulation Phase or Full Moon Phase); Mother Archetype

Inner Summer is a highly active, engaged, & powerful phase. In Mother Nature, we see life in full blossom during the Summer months & we too experience this full manifestation of our creative life within the week of Inner Summer. We feel more confident, sexual, & magnetic during this phase & are ready to create life in all forms.

Inner Fall: Days 21-28 (Post-Ovulation / Luteal Phase or Waning Moon Phase); Queen / Wild-Wise Woman Archetype

Inner Fall is a time to begin slowing down, letting go of what no longer serves us, & critically seeing what lies at the core. Just as Mother Nature begins to change the color of the leaves & then shedding them, we too shift & change during this Inner Fall & begin to notice our core / tree trunk more without all the fluffy green leaves.

When we can look at our cyclical nature with this lens, we can see how beautifully connected each Season is & how together they create one beautiful masterpiece. One Season leads to the next & creates new opportunity within each week. Mother Nature is wise & her Seasons are meant to work together, not staying in perpetual Summer or perpetual Winter. So it is with us. Each week is meant to be. We are not meant to stay the same. We have four unique, over-arching energetics within each month & each one archetype should be embraced & honored.

This can be quiet counter-intuitive from what society has taught us. But, Sis…once you embrace it, you will never turn back. Once you dive in, you will understand that this is what has been missing. You can accept yourself as you are. Your ebbing & flowing, changing & shifting is all meant to be. They are guideposts, alarm systems, & creative cues. They are deep wisdom.

How can you take just one small step toward embracing your cyclical nature? Perhaps begin by allowing yourself to sleep in & take as many naps as you would like during Inner Winter! Perhaps begin by noticing when Inner Summer is & scheduling highly energetic projects or activities during this time.

If you are ready to dive even deeper, Britta Hamilton & I are releasing Inner Seasons Immersive eCourse once more & this time we are expanding!

Enjoy 6 WEEKS of virtual lessons, women’s circles, discussion, journal prompts, embodied practices, & more within a closed container or women. This space is a sacred time together & we cannot wait to open it back up to you!

A quick excerpt from an Inner Seasons Graduate:

“Whether you are 20 or 60+ years this is a class which EVERY woman should take. I wish so much I had this information when I was younger. You no longer feel alone in the world because there is a uniform connection with all the Sisters no matter the age. You feel as though your thoughts and actions were validated and you weren't ‘going crazy.’ This was by far the most informative class I've attended and one I would probably attend again to gain even more knowledge.”

— Wendy

PLUS! Enjoy a $50 discount until July 15! Check it out! Inner Seasons Immersive eCourse


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