What is a Women's Circle?


A Women’s Circle is a place us women go to be seen, to be heard, to be loved. It is a safe space for our Inner Selves to be free, unhindered, & wild. It is a gathering of sisters for encouragement, healing, nourishment, & wisdom.

It is a safe haven that brings us joy, stirs our depths, strengthens our core, & gives us life.

This is what a Women’s Circle is & has always been. Not only can we look back in history & see this taking place, but we can feel it in our bones. When we gather, the ancient is stirred, we can feel a long line of women that came before us. We hear our ancestors before us saying “Yes, love. This is where you belong. This is our medicine. This is where we women are home.”

Traditionally, before electric lights, we led our lives lit up by the sun, moon & fire. We connected to nature & as feminine beings were connected to the moon & her cycle. Because our bodies were connected to the earth & the light of the moon, our menstrual cycles tended to sync with her. When she was full, we ovulated & when she was dark & new, we bled.

Bleeding was seen as sacred & reminded us to release & let go of what no longer served us. We gathered in a tent to bleed, to be with one another, to rest, & to nourish. It was a retreat. A monthly respite for the soul.

Now, our bodies might not bleed with the new moon & we might not even bleed at all, but we still gather.

We still carry the tradition forward, passing on the legacy that our mothers laid before us & continuing to strengthen the feminine.

A Circle can look many different ways. Circles can be formal & ceremonial or silly & intuitive. Circles can be a carefully planned event with a guide to host or they can happen spontaneously when you sit down for a meal with your friends & you all jump in to share your hearts. They can happen in person with three women or virtually with hundreds. They can happen under a dark, magical new moon or right in the middle of a work day. Because what makes a Circle a Circle is women.

When we gather, when we are authentic, when we are fully present…that is a Circle.

So what does a Circle look like for Womxn In The Pines?

At our Circles, you can expect a guided Circle led by myself, Elizabeth Kier. I lead the Circles with guided discussion around a topic that is relevant & purposeful for guiding you towards self-growth, spirituality, & sisterhood. They always include some rituals that are inclusive to all beliefs & backgrounds of women, some form of meditation or spiritual exercise, reflection, journaling, deep soul talk & encouragement from sisters.

I proudly offer virtual Circles to include women all over the world, as well as in person Circles here in North Georgia. Each Circle is open to the public & you are welcome to join in any time!

Circles are aimed to be a safe space for all walks of womanhood. Each woman is unique & has a beautiful story to tell.

It is a sacred time & we create this beautiful atmosphere by abiding by our guidelines & honoring our space. (Read more about our guidelines here: https://www.instagram.com/p/CAXrFLNgXLr/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link )

Women’s Circles are aimed to connect us to ourselves, the Divine, & one another.

Too often, we go through our lives without nourishing our soul or paying attention to our desires & strengths within. We disconnect from ourselves, disconnect from the Divine, & disconnect from one another. We stay the path laid out before us. We get caught up so easily in our tasks, our chores, & our habits that we forget the true purpose of life is to connect. Without this connection, we begin to feel lost, unfulfilled, & meaningless.

At Women’s Circles we are reminded of our purpose & guided to connect once more. Life can be hard & it is so easy to become distracted. And that is why we gather again & again. We can always come back to this. We can always start again. We can always connect once more.

It truly is magical. I can go on & on about how much I love being in Circle.

Women’s Circles inspire me, encourage me, push me, & nourish my soul.

What about you? Have you experienced a Women’s Circle before? What is your favorite part? And if you have not, are you ready to give it a try? Are you ready to be seen, truly seen, known, & loved? I hope you will join us!

Are you ready?

The best way to stay connected & be alerted for Circles is to sign up for my newsletter! Enter your info below & you will also receive a FREE photo lock screen with an encouraging affirmation to display on your phone! Announcements for June Circles will begin in just a few days!

I hope to see you soon, Dear One! You are seen. You are heard. You are loved.


Black Lives Matter. Black Stories Matter.


Body, Mind, & Soul: Part 2