The Best Spiritual Practice Everyone Can Do


I am not one to push spirtitual practices on to people or to claim that something that works for one will work for another. But. There is one practice that I believe we should ALL be doing. And it is very, very simple…so simple, that most people probably don’t think of it as a spiritual practice.

Ready to hear what it is?

The best spiritual practice you can do for yourself is just simply…knowing yourself.

Yep. That’s it. Why? Because you ARE spiritual. You ARE spirit. If you are in touch with yourself & in touch with what resonates & stirs your spirit, you know what connects you to the Divine & what will continue to awaken you & strengthen you on this journey called life. By knowing yourself, you become less prone to operating out of habit, conditioning, or story, & are able to operate from your true core.

What is this true core? Spirit. And what are we all? Spirit.

We are all part of a collective Spirit. It is what unites us.

Tapping into our spirit taps us into the collective, allowing us to see one another as ourselves & see with compassion, love, & non-judgement. So, knowing ourselves not only brings life to ourselves, but also to the world.

So, let’s just take a second & let me ask you something. How is this resonating so far? Do you find resistance to me saying that knowing yourself is spiritual? Perhaps, you find it selfish? Why? What story have you heard associated with focusing on yourself? Is that story truly coming from yourself or from outside sources, wether audibly or perhaps between the lines?

This is the kind of work I’m talking about. Knowing yourself, looking within, means asking yourself questions. Taking a step back from yourself & assessing the situation. Where does that come from? And not making a judgement to it, but just asking. Being curious. So often, we are more than what our original thought or action seems to be. There are stories & scripts attached to it. Peeling ourselves apart from that story & seeing them as separate things is our work. Then, we get to decide if that story resonates or not.

Let me give you an example.

Growing up in a religious culture, I was given specific spiritual practices that I was supposed to do - that we were all supposed to do. I was given spiritual practices, as well as specific rules & guidelines to follow. This was the black & white, the set way to live. So, I thought it was the way, that it is what my spirit needed. It wasn’t until I was older & started doing the work on myself that I realized some of these rules & practices did not resonate & were in fact holding me back from gaining some of the things I was actually working towards, like peace & love. These practices, rules, & guidelines were stories. They were given to me from outside sources. I had to do the work to realize that some of them did not fit, they were not what gave my spirit life. Perhaps it gave others life, but not me. And once I aligned with what did resonate with me, I experienced a deeper level of peace & love. Now, I feel a deeper love for others, connected, & united. I feel a deep sense of peace that is different than before as well. I finally found what I was taught to find, just in a different way. Knowing myself allowed me to find my way. Knowing my spirit connected me to the collective Spirit.

But, I have not arrived. I still have work to do. Knowing ourselves is our life’s work. There are always more layers to uncover. More to discover.

So, where does one begin?

Simply asking yourself questions. Getting still & quiet to reflect on why you are the way you are, just digging past the surface. You can start with maybe something small. Do you love a particular food? Why? What memories does it bring up for you? Did you love it as a child? Did anyone else love it as you grew up? What was said about that particular food? What was implied? What tastebuds does it satisfy? How do you feel after eating it? Do you feel satisfied? There is always a story there.

Learning to know yourself is like reading a good book. It is so fascinating once you begin digging into it.

So, dig in, Dear Sister. Read up! And please tell me all about it as you go. I love hearing your journeys. Life is so beautiful & each of us is on such a wonderful trip!

If you would like some support as you are on this journey, make sure to check out my newest offering:

We will be diving deep into knowing ourselves & finding what spiritual practices resonate for us, so that we can find a deeper sense of peace & grounding during these crazy times. All of this will be happing within a closed group of women all focused on the same goal & here to support.


Body, Mind, & Soul: Part 2


Unmet Expectations