Amplify Melanated Voices

I do not have a blog for you today. You do not need to turn to me.

We ALL need to be focusing on the black community at this time.

They have suffered long enough, now is their time. Now is the time to create change.

This space is created for all women. I am adamant on including ALL stories of womanhood & I refuse to only portray the story of white feminism here. Our black sisters are suffering. They HAVE been suffering.

To my Black Sisters,

I am sorry for your pain. I support you. I stand with you & commit to doing the work.

You are seen. You are heard. You are loved.

To my White Sisters,

Research. Listen. Self-Reflect. Take Action. Repeat.

Find the black leaders that are speaking out. Listen to the black voices demanding change. Find the black people who are working towards racial justice & respectfully glean from their wisdom.

There are courses available (PAY them for their work), books, podcasts, google, instagram, petition sites, organizations, etc. I do not need to give you the links. You already know where you can go. I don’t think you need another white voice giving you resources & baby stepping you through it. By this point, you’ve seen the leaders. You’ve seen the articles. You’ve seen the resources.

So, do the work.


It Is Not Always Love & Light


Black Lives Matter. Black Stories Matter.